A Purpose True — Gail Kittleson

Today I’m happy to welcome author Gail Kittleson as she talks about her latest book. Read through to the end to find out how to enter the giveaway.

War turns things around—my characters exhibit the effects of dire circumstances, life-and-death terror on every hand. For one thing, they’ve had to learn to lie convincingly.

Both Kate and Domingo tell falsehoods regularly. They must, in order to avoid detection by the Gestapo. Imagine a world in which all you’d been taught about morality gets turned on its head. That’s what happened to Secret Operations Executive under-cover agents during World War II.

In fact, Kate’s entire persona, based on a made-up identity, could be called a lie. But she gets used to this—oh, she never forgets the clear line between truth and deception, and neither does Domingo. Everyone came out of the war and returned to a values-centered life.

As a writer, I learned a great deal through the process this time. Since this is the third in the Women of the Heartland series, consistency was essential—I had to recall my characters’ mindsets in books one and two, not to mention all the little details about their histories.

I also learned that you can love a story and still get weary of it. I guess that’s not so unique—we experience ambivalence about relationships all the time. The process of mixing historical research into the everyday lives of characters requires a lot of attention and focus. I admit, I’m ready for a break!

And that leads me to a third fact about A Purpose True: the sense of purpose Kate and Domingo found in their clandestine missions parallels my own commitment to their story. Hearing from readers that they’re waiting for the final release in this series motivates me. Hopefully, their questions will find resolution and provide satisfaction.

Since my new book will not release before this blog publishes, I’d like to offer a print copy (U.S. only) of In Times Like These, the first book in the series, to someone who creatively responds to this question:

What aspect of living in a war-torn area do you think would be the most difficult for you?

ABOUT THE BOOK: A Purpose True

A Purpose True, the sequel to With Each New Dawn, reveals Kate and Domingo risking life and limb in French Resistance efforts to stymie the Nazi advance to Normandy. But even their fierce devotion to liberty cannot preclude doubts and questions raised by the enemy’s cruelty. How can faith overcome in the midst of relentless Nazi atrocities toward innocent citizens? Can the power of Domingo and Kate’s love for each other withstand the worst of evil and forge positive paths for the future?


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gail Kittleson

Gail Kittleson taught college expository writing and English as a Second Language. Now she writes memoir and women’s fiction, and facilitates writing workshops and women’s retreats. She makes her home in northern Iowa, where she and her husband enjoy their grandchildren and gardening. In winter, the Arizona mountains provide new novel fodder. To learn more about Gail’s books, please visit her website at gailkittleson.com

Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/GailKittlesonAuthor

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3459831.Gail_Kittleson

Twitter: www.twitter.com/GailGkittleson @GailGkittleson

Other: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gail-kittleson-b0693543

About historythrutheages

I write stories of His Story Through The Ages that offer tales of hope and redemption.

Posted on November 1, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Can hardly wait to read it.

  2. It won’t be long now, Ann.

  3. Gorgeous Cover Gail! So excited for you!

  4. The rebuilding amongst the constant reminders of the past would be hard for if I lived in a war-torn area!

  5. I love the cover of your new book and look forward to reading it!

  6. Irene, thanks!