
Hello Readers,


Have you ever wondered at which stage it would be good to hire an editor to look over your manuscript? As we complete our novels and re-write them, there comes a time when it is a serious consideration to ask another pair of eyes to help out. Rachelle Gardener recently ran an article on this topic.



Here are some questions I’ve received from readers lately, and my brief answers.


I’m stuck on my second draft. When is it a good idea to bring in an outside editor?


You should bring in an editor when you can’t go any further on your own. Try a critique partner first—it will save you money and help you get your manuscript to the point where the cost of an editor will be worth it.




About historythrutheages

I write stories of His Story Through The Ages that offer tales of hope and redemption.

Posted on February 4, 2013, in Writing Tips. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Editors?.

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